
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

12 rules to make life a source of enjoyment

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

[Dr. Ayaan; Islamabad]

“12 steps of youth” this is an English book (Prolong Your Youth) written by Mr.Wolfro Lel. This man has tried to understand problems of life of both people of east and west, and has thrown light on every aspect of life in detail.

At the end of his book he has mentioned 12 rules of youth which I call 12 steps of life. By following these 12 rules we can increase prolong our age. Those 12 steps are as follows: Understand philosophy of life: man is statue of thoughts. Only his thoughts can take him to sky. That’s why cleanliness of thoughts is essential; man becomes as he thinks. We should remain happy in every situation. This is the real philosophy of life, that’s why we should not get helpless or disappointed. Organize: organize yourself, your business, eating habits, timing of sleep and awakening, playing. Infact organize everything. Same as river inside its boundaries benefits countless creatures and when it crosses its boundaries it destroy thousands, similarly organized life is source of enjoyment and life outside boundaries become home of troubles.

Interesting job or business: profession that makes you relaxed and also provide you enough money to spend results in increased life. One should do such work in which we can earn more with less effort, and that also provide rest and mental relaxation.

Internal cleanliness of body: there shouldn’t be any waste matter in body. One should release it with starvation, exercise or through steam bath.

Life refreshing food: food cooked again and again becomes dead food. That’s why use fresh food such as fresh fruits, dry fruits, vegetables, fresh butter, milk, honey, cheese, and fresh eggs. White sugar, starches and meat are prohibited.

Breathe properly: remain in open fresh air and breathe fresh air specially take long breath while standing. Do it such that fresh airs fills in each part of your lungs and the polluted air is exhaled. Do this frequently throughout the day.

Exercise for life: exercise daily such that every part of body becomes mobile so that body maintains its flexibility. Exercise should not be of one part or should not be tiring. After age of 50 year walk in open ground is a very healthy exercise.

Bath for life: take bath and give fresh air and sunlight to your body. Taking bath in rain, river and sea is very beneficial. Bath from cold air is more beneficial than bath from cold water.

Drugs or psychotropic things: we should avoid cigarette, tea and etc. Less quantity doesn’t affect much but we should avoid.

Correction of senses: eye, nose, tongue, ears and teeth should be kept clean and should be taken care of becauseif one thing gets weak it affects life.

Correct use of semen: it use for right purpose increases mental ability, whereas excess and wrong use is similar to cutting tree of life with axe.

Rest and comfort: taking rest and deep sleep after work is one important ingredient of life.  These are 12 steps of youth. These steps will lead you to roof of palace of youth. Now have a look at 12 rules that take towards old age.

Enemy of youth: as health and life are related to food similarly it is linked to heart as well.

Worries: worst enemy of heart is worry; man gets much kind of worries. Some people get worried by remembering their past and some get worried due to future.  And some get worried due to complex questions of religion, all these worries are baseless and are enemy of life.

Disappointment and hopelessness: these also affect heart.

Anger: anger produces poison in blood. That’s why we should avoid anger.

Hate: if we hate someone just because of his religion then by hating him can we change him? Hate makes heart weak.

Envy: heart gets weak when we consider our self-inferior than other by looking at their wealth, children, wife and etc.

Backbiting: heart gets weak by pointing out someone’s mistakes.

Censorious: censoriousness and keeping eye on other’s mistake keep also weak heart.

Selfishness: person whodamages other just for his personal benefits makes his heart weak.

Impure thoughts: impure thoughts are worst germs that make heart weak. Person with such thought never gets long life.

Deception and fraud: person that commits frauds always remain in fear of being caught, this make his heart weak.

Libidinous: it is number one in spoiling heart, slave of his wishes always remain worried.

Haste: It is enemy of health and life, haste applies stress on heart then he commits big mistakes in haste.

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